Saturday, November 2, 2019

Evaluation report Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evaluation report - Personal Statement Example The coordination role involved communicating with the facilitators and the entire relevant department in immersion programs. After development of immersion programs such as the dual immersion program, monitoring and evaluation of the program effectiveness are carried out. Monitoring involves the evaluation of student participation in the programs and individual achievement of the students (Baker 23). Participatory evaluation was conducted by the use of team activities and personal reflections on every task undertaken. As a coordinator, I evaluated individual student participation through roll call and attendance registers. The evaluation of effectiveness was done in cooperation with the facilitators. The monitoring process was successful, and the program recorded an improvement in language proficiency of the learners. In terms of offering logistical support, the purchases of relevant materials have been done on time with the focus being on effective administration of the designed program. The inclusion of immersion outreach programs and visitation to other ISO immersion centers. Additionally, the designing of the programs and plans was undertaken after serious consultation with all stakeholders. The logistical challenges associated with immersion programs have been considerably reduced through interactive program development. The development of the isolation immersion program facilitates simulation of the real life activities with the language learnt. The program takes up to three days and involves the use of one language strictly. As a coordinator, the development of plans and participation in the Isolation immersion program with the students is vital. The designing of isolation immersion program entails designing planning and execution of the set plan (Baker 121). As coordinator, I organized a number of three day immersion events for students

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